C1 Gaming

                                                                                                                        wednesday 18 september 2024 

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1. google-blogger,sign in.

2. media industries and audiences-video games

3. see the slide 

4.tv,radio,film,video games,advertising,magazine news etc...

5.cinema,phone,computer,magazine etc...

                                          video games 

lo. history of video games 

decade      game           features 

1970.    space invaders          started in japan it was very popular                                       

1980  pac man               a missing slice of pizza inspired namco's  trou                                      

1990  sonic                  started in japan and became very popular                      

2000  xbox 360           four years after the xbox duke the xbox 360 came out and gained millions of    views                                      


uses and gratification theory 

personal identity 



social interaction 

base line test    

explain why audiences play video games?

audience play video games for entertainment for example people may find call of duty entertaining because of the suspence and the different game modes. Blumer and katz  state that call of duty can all so be a game with social entertainment.



  1. 18/9-Good knowledge of the text. T: 1. try to apply all the areas of PIES.


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