C1 Magazines

                                                                     Friday 13th september 2024

what is representation?

 what is representation? how to show someone what something is like.

won the euros with spain and his sallary is 1.7 million 

cavan sullivan 

stereotype is a generalised representation of a person place or thing.

                                                                                                                         Friday 20 september 2024
Do now 
1}how the media chooses to re-present the world to us.
2}whether it's positive or negative 
3}A generalised representation of a person  place or thing 

teenager: messy,moody,
football player:gym, fast,skilled,
private school boy:posh,smart,rich,anoying 

Representations in magazines 

lo: To explore the representations found in magazines 

mast head: a list at the top of a page that includes the names of editors, writers, and owners, as well as the title of the newspaper or magazine

cover lines:A line of text on the front cover of a magazine, briefly describing and promoting the content.

main image: the image on the magazine or newspaper

main cover linea prominent line of text on a magazine's front cover that highlights the main story or image

puffa promotional graphic or text on a magazine cover that draws attention to a specific article or content

colour palette:choose colours that are opposite to each other in the colour circle.

direct address: someone talking while looking into the camera lens, as if they were communicating directly with the current viewer.

star vehicle: a film written or produced for a specific star, either to further their career or simply to profit from their current popularity.

Do now                                                                                                                 Friday 11th october 2024 
1.gender,age,sexualty,ethnictiy,disabilitty (right)
2.a magazine that is aimed at a certain gender (wrong)
3.in side the game of thrones (right)

                      how do you compare representations?

1. List similarities
2.use list to decide judgement 
3.use structure to right essay make sure to include judge 


the man in the first cover is dressed like a girl and the pink trousers are standing out like something a girl would wear and men don't wear the cloths he is in the picture 

                                                                                                             Friday8November 2024 
industry research

1.Circulation is the average number of copies of a publication per publishing day
2.Advertising revenue is the monetary income that individuals and businesses earn from displaying paid advertisements on their websites, social media channels, or other platforms surrounding their internet-based content.3.cover price 
4.subscription a business model where customers pay a recurring fee for access to a product or service , instead of paying a one time fee 
5. muiti-platform  a product than be accessed on more 
8.brand identity 
9.target audience it is targeted to a certain audience it can be male or female younger or older.   

vogue was launched in 1892 and gq was launched in 1931 the vogue audience was intended be aimed at females vogue has changed over the years and the time it has been out 

